How to have a good sleep?

How important is it to get a good sleep?

Reading time : 7 mins

A tight sleep keeps us away from a lot of problems. Just like nutrition and physical activity , sleep is very essential for a good health. Compromising on which can be sacrificing more than just a good night’s slumber. Getting enough sleep regularly is not only about the number of hours we sleep but also the quality as we should feel relaxed and energised when we wake up. It also leads to healthy brain function, improved health and decreased risk of accident and injury. Our body sets a biological clock according to the pattern of daylight where we live. This helps us to naturally get sleepy at night and stay alert during the day.

good sleep

Sleep cycle

The sleep cycle is the pattern of stages from NREM (non-Rapid Eye Movement) to REM sleep (rapid eye movement). Each cycle lasts 90 to 120 minutes and includes about 15 minutes of the below stages of sleep.

  • Stage 1 – The transition from being awake to being asleep. A light NREM sleep is when we start to relax and dream. Easy to wake up. Lasts for 5–10 min.
  • Stage 2 – Here we drift from a light into a steadier sleep. The body temperature decreases and brain waves are less active. The muscles relax, breathing and heartbeat slows down. It lasts for 10–15 min.
  • Stage 3 and 4 – In stage 3, we enter deep sleep and stage 4 is the deepest sleep stage. During deep sleep, the breathing, heartbeat, body temperature and brain waves reach their lowest levels. Muscles are extremely relaxed, and its most difficult to rouse. Stage 4 is known as the healing stage, when tissue growth and repair take place. Important hormones are released and cellular energy is restored. Body repairs itself and boosts the immune system. Hard to wake up.
  • REM sleep – The first REM cycle of the night begins about 90 minutes after we fall asleep and recurs every 90 minutes. The eyes move around quickly behind the eyelids and the brainwaves look similar to those of someone who is awake. The breathing, heart rate and blood pressure rise to near-waking levels. During REM sleep, its most likely for us to dream. Our arms and legs become temporarily paralyzed during this stage to prevent us from physically acting out our dreams. It lasts 10 minutes to 1 hour. REM cycles get longer as the night progresses.

Why is getting enough sleep important?

Sleep plays a very important role in maintaining good health throughout our life. Getting a quality slumber at the right times can help protect both our mental and physical health and safety.

  • Reduces stress and improves overall mood
  • Improves concentration and memory thus increasing our productivity
  • Enhance athletic performance and remain active
  • Improves immunity thus get sick less often
  • Reduces risk of weight gain and obesity in both children and adults, thus helps in maintaining a good BMI
  • Lowers risk for serious health problems like diabetes and heart diseases
  • Helps in better decision-making and avoid injuries

Why can’t I fall asleep?

There are several reasons that can make it harder for us to sleep, including:

  • Stress, anxiety or depression
  • Pain like arthritis aches or any other kinds of pain 
  • Certain health conditions like heartburn or asthma
  • Some medicines including cold and flu remedies and certain antidepressants also can interfere with sleep
  • Caffeine intake few hours before bed time (usually from coffee, tea, and soda)
  • Alcohol and other drugs intake
  • Untreated sleep disorders like apnea (a disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts) or insomnia (a disorder in which people have trouble falling and/or staying asleep)

Tips to get better sleep

A quality sleep provides a quality life. Thus, we should not neglect but work towards getting enough and quality sleep time.

  • Set a fixed time to go to bed each night, and get up at the same time each morning, even on the weekends.
  • Don’t take naps after 3 p.m and a power nap should not be longer than 20 minutes to half an hour.
  • Stay away from caffeine and alcohol late in the day.
  • Avoid nicotine completely.
  • Regular exercise or aerobics during the day.
  • Stretching before bed time is usually good.
  • Avoid a heavy meal before bedtime.
  • Make the bedroom comfortable, dark and quiet.
  • Follow a routine to help yourself relax before hitting the bed(for example: reading or listening to music). Switch off TV and keep away mobile phones, ipads, tablets, laptops etc at least an hour before bedtime.
  • If you can’t fall asleep after lying on bed for 20 minutes, help yourself by doing something calming until you feel sleepy, like reading or listening to soft music.
  • Wash your arms, legs, face and neck with water just before bedtime. It cools the body temperature and helps relax.
  • Consult a doctor if you continue to have trouble sleeping.

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