The colour of the sky!

I woke up with a jerkkk when the flight finally touched the grounds of the City of Joy. Yes, I reached Kolkata after completing an onsite assignment of two years and was eager to meet my Mom. As soon as I changed my mobile from airplane mode, my mom started calling me. She informed me that she was running late. She felt guilty that she could not reach on time to pick me up at the airport.

I already informed her that I would take a cab and come home by myself. Still she insisted, so I agreed. After picking up my luggage from the conveyor belt (And somehow I always get mine at the end πŸ™‚ ..), I started walking towards the exit door of the airport with an idea to wait outside to greet my Mom.

As soon as I was outside,

I felt the humid air touch my skin. And heard the busy noise of the city traffic honking a few kilometres away. I waited with my luggage on a bench with a cup of coffee just blankly staring at the sky. Suddenly it dawned on me that I never much cared to see the colour of the sky in Kolkata. More than the people and the city, It was the sky which was communicating with me. It was calm but dismal as if somehow it needed help.

Suddenly, I heard my Mom calling me out and we hugged each other. It was a moment of extreme happiness and we started for home. I was looking forward to munch in some of my favorite dishes which was awaiting me. πŸ˜›

A coloured evening!

Days passed with work, friends, family and normal routine as usual. Suddenly, an unwanted guest crept into our lives and everything came to a standstill. But, during this unfortunate lock-down phase, one definite good which happened is that nature got its time to recover and replenish itself.

So you see we did not have to do much for helping the sky retain its colour and texture. The sky, the breeze, the light, the rains, the oxygen, the greens etc all comes for free maybe that’s the reason we don’t have to help them with money but with care we can. Consequently, If we can use only that much which is required and care for the environment just a bit more than we have done all this while, then the rest will be taken care by nature itself!

Present scenario

Nowadays, the sky looks more bright with distinct clouds. And the atmosphere has tidied itself out providing us more visibility. With each passing day during the lock-down, I am able to see the second Hooghly bridge. Located more than 10 km away from the my flat but can even count how many vehicles cross the bridge in 30 secs ;).

Yes, Isn’t that incredible?

Also, the colour of the buildings far away are now clear which were barely visible 5 months back!! Wow!! Needless to mention about the spectacular sunrise and sunset where the nature never fails to impress us by providing a different palette of colours each second. πŸ™‚


“Save the nature to get pleasant surprises!!” ❀

Read our blog on an exciting experience of discovering the comet C/2020 F3(NEOWISE)

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16 thoughts on “The colour of the sky!”

  1. Hariprasad Rao

    Beautiful article. Tanvi too read with me. She too subscribed. Swarna too will do once back from college

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